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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Jul 31, 2018

I talked to a very close friend of mine (anonymous by request) about a few of her insecurities... NONE of them have anything to do about her weight or her body.

When I look at her? I see things that I wish I had.
She literally has perfect hair.
She can order clothes online and the size she orders not only fits, but it...

Jul 24, 2018

I know you've done it- you buy every program under the sun thinking this will be it! This is THE THING you need to reach your goals.

Whether you're trying to lose weight, get strong, get lean AF, or even break into a business ownership role- you're in constant absorption mode where you just need another perspective,...

Jul 17, 2018

This was recorded in MAY! Which is so funny because I still haven't started reading our July Book Club Book "A Tribe Called Bliss" by Lori Harder. And, just by chance, this episode will be releasing when we're all reading it. GO FIGURE. But, this is such perfect timing.


Jul 10, 2018

YOU GUYS!! This is the first time I've ever brought a *current* client of mine onto the show.

Tiffany and I started working together in October 2017- and I could not be more humbled to now be able to call this woman a friend of mine. (For reference, we recorded this on June 15, 2018.)

The icing on the cake is the...

Jul 5, 2018

Alyssa Love approaches weight loss in a way that I've never been able to articulate. She has such a contagiously beautiful soul, I cannot wait for you to tune into this one!

You can follow Alyssa on IG: iam_alyssalove

Don't forget- can hang out with us over on The Confidence Project Facebook group- see you there! <3