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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Dec 12, 2023

The day you decided to work for yourself was the day you became responsible for designing your work world.

Many of us get swept away in "employee mode" and struggle to get into "boss mode."

What if you evaluated your business beyond how much money you made this month vs last month or this year vs last year?

What if instead you evaluated your business based on your experience of working for yourself?

Does your business require long hours, working weekends, and powering through no matter how sick you are?

Does your boss care about how work is affecting your sleep, relationships, and hobbies?

Would you elect to work for a company like that if it wasn't yours?

 In today's episode, I present the idea that we should objectively assess our self-created work environments as if we work for someone else's company, and then begin to design our Ideal Benefits Package for our own small business.

Your Benefits Package can include anything!

Maybe you never want to work past 6pm ever again.

Maybe you never want to work weekends again.

Maybe you never want to start work at 5am ever again.

Maybe you have a 72 hour client response time instead of 12.

Maybe you take a week off every 8 weeks.

Maybe you want two entire days during the week of no work so you don't have to send your kid to child care.

In other words, what are some benefits of working for yourself?

A seasonal change in availability.

An extra few days off after the Holidays.

You get to decide!


Episode mentioned: Are You a Toxic Boss to Yourself?