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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Mar 21, 2023

Whether you're already a parent or never plan to be- if you're pro-women, this episode is for you.

Today, Annie Hopkins and I talk about:

  • How the Industrial Revolution "factorized" the birthing process
  • Any other orthopedic injury gets a higher standard of care than giving birth
  • Why c-section rates rise before...

Mar 15, 2023

Today we cover:

  • how we create toxic work environments for ourselves in our businesses
  • what's the point of working for yourself if it sucks more than working for someone else?
  • would you work for you?
  • how to discern between your "boss" roles and "employee roles"
  • how to redesign the work-culture you've created...

Mar 7, 2023

In this episode, Hannah and I cover:

  • how childhood shapes your relationship with money
  • how social conditioning & gender roles may impact how we feel about money
  • why you may feel uncomfortable talking about money
  • how to cultivate more financial intimacy with your partner
  • and more!


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