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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Mar 28, 2019

I know, I know- why am I so obsessed with talking about money on the podcast? Because, just like with food, it is something that every human needs- whether we like to admit it or not. If you're anything like I was, you have negative associations with budgeting and managing your finances, & you feel that wanting to make...

Mar 26, 2019

I speak openly about my financial struggles here on the podcast pretty often. What I've come to learn over the years is that even though at times my financial issues were REAL (like- should I just live out of my car, or?), a lot of them stemmed from a crappy money mindset.

As a business owner, it wasn't until I put...

Mar 19, 2019

What do you typically do the day after you eat like garbage? How do you even *know* if you ate like garbage?

Chances are you use the scale or the mirror to decide "how you ate" the day prior- but what happens if you don't? Then how do you know, right? It can be tough to move away from external forms of feedback to...

Mar 14, 2019

What is breast implant illness?
What are the potential signs and symptoms?
Things to consider before (and after!) a breast augementation

You can find the resources that Christina mentioned here:

IG: @sizehappy_withchristina

FB: Breast Implant Illness Rejuvenation and Education with Christina

Mar 12, 2019

On first glance, this episode is just about a boob job that I almost got. But, it's so much more than that.

Your exposure to different things is either keeping you stuck agreeing with old narratives in your mind or it is challenging you to think differently.

Social media is so ever-present in our daily lives, and its...