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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Dec 2, 2021

Olivia Park is a health and performance coach helping women train with purpose inside of the gym and live well out of the gym. Her signature program, Grit and Grace, blends intention, intensity, and autonomy for a 3-pronged approach that guides women to work hard and train smart without compromising physical or mental...

Dec 2, 2021

How should you set up your work schedule, and how do you decide, when you're a business owner? Time is one of the biggest things we talk about in UnFYB-- time is a non-renewable resource, once we spend it, we can't get it back.

What happens all too often is that once you start a business, you jam-pack your schedule...

Nov 24, 2021

Have we been getting the wires crossed when it comes to diet culture and what that looks like, what it means and what it doesn't mean? Ever feel guilty for genuinely loving eating salads? Or genuinely enjoying intense workouts and wondering if that's diet culture, too? It may not be-- and Jenna walks us through it all...

Nov 24, 2021

"Marketing" is just a really serious sounding word that means: inviting people to your party. This episode is chock full of things you likely haven't considered yet when it comes to marketing your business online, like: what kind of party are you throwing? Who's invited? What are we wearing!? And- what's the point? Now,...

Nov 18, 2021

It happens to all of us- the sky opens up and BAM- buckets of poop come pouring down on top of you. Such is life. We can't prevent the crap from falling from the sky, but we can start to cultivate a "system" rooted in self-trust that helps us triage our life when things get a bit sticky.

This episode is for you-- for...