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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Jul 22, 2020

Things we cover in today's episode are:
-Why Iron Phoenix Strength Club is more expensive than other commercial gyms
- What you're actually paying for when you hire a highly educated coach/mentor
-How the commercialized fitness industry has ruined the value of fitness. Why do you have to pay a professional for any...

Jul 17, 2020

The past few biz episodes all tie in together! 
Biz episode 32 was all about being stuck because of perfectionism.

Biz episode 33 was all about finding joy in life & business thru getting out of ruts/routines and finding ways to stay intentionally present.

Biz 34 was all about q3 planning (it was a bonus episode so...

Jul 10, 2020

Find Emily Online: Room to Grow Podcast, @emilygoughcoach

Jul 7, 2020

Do you have a human body? Great- you will experience physical pain, discomfort, and pain many times in your life time. Pain is actually necessary- it is telling us something. Pain just means your body is trying to communicate with you in some way. Sometimes, it's even a false alarm. 

So, if you have a human body,...