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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Apr 27, 2023

What's the difference between cardio and conditioning? 

If we boil it down to the most simplified answer, it's: all conditioning is cardio, not all cardio is conditioning.

But the power of language is undeniable, so rather than split the hairs of the science and research of it all, today I talk about:

  • how I used to approach cardio and what I used it for
  • the difference in approach and intention of switching the use of the term "cardio" for conditioning
  • how I approach conditioning and what makes it so much more enjoyable than "doing cardio"
  • some ideas for ways you can present, explain, and participate in conditioning that feels fun, exiciting, and full of purpose for you + your life