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The Confidence Project

Refreshinlgy honest & helpful conversations for fitness-minded women exploring body, business, and the human experience.

Jul 23, 2019

It's all just so tough- it's hard enough to get out of the obsession with weight loss and dieting as it is- but what do you do when you're the only one in your family or friends group that doesn't want to have the tired, boring, and exhausting conversations about weight loss and dieting anymore? You're stuck... right? And you feel like you have two choices:

1- if you can't beat them join them
2- bite your tongue as hard as you can- and hey! if you're hungry, swallow whatever chunk of tongue you just chewed off.

Right!? Ha! I know, it totally feels like those are your only options.

But, I promise- there are more.

Depending on where you are in your journey, it will dictate which way you decide to go. Here's the thing: boundaries need to be put in place if you're in a position right now where dieting and weight loss talk triggers you and brings you to a place of self doubt along your journey.

So while these conversations are never comfortable- they're still as uncomfortable to be a part of when all you want is OUT.

In today's episode, I'll give you a few ideas on how to navigate the dieting conversation when you know that all you want to do is talk about ANYTHING ELSE other than your weight, your friends' weight, or the newest, insane diet that so-and-so is on. Because honestly, don't we all have more important things to talk about?